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Key Features

With the External Hexagon you get an implant that is compatible with all bone types and easily installed, thus promoting an excellent implant that has a high initial stability.


Speed Surface

Treatment of the Implant microstructure developed by Kopp has turned out to be one of the best solutions for optimizing your patient’s implant bone integration.

Where to buy


Active Tip

Active Tip

Kopp’s External Hexagon has an active tip with fast bone integration and high cutting power.

All Bone Types

All Bone Types

Using the External Hexagon system you will have an unlimited Implant that is compatible with all bone types.

Made with Titanium IV

Made with Titanium IV

The raw material for Kopp Implants is titanium of American origin, being considered the best quality in the world. It comes with origin certification thus ensuring proper biosafety to the health of patients.

Drill Sequence and Measurements

The diameter of the Drill may change depending on the operator's clinical experience.

Ø3.3 Ø3.5 Ø3.75 Ø4.0 Ø4.0 Ø4.3 Ø5.0
Lança Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check
2.0 Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check
2.8 Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check
3.0 Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check
3.3 Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check Ícone check
3.8 Ícone check Ícone check
4.3 Ícone check
8.0 mm 9.0 mm 11.0 mm 13.0 mm 15.0 mm
3.3 mm - 140.477 140.478 140.479 140.480
3.75 mm 140.488 140.489 140.490 140.491 140.492
4.0 mm 140.494 140.495 140.496 140.497 104.498
5.0 mm 140.511 140.512 140.513 140.514 -

Prosthetic Options

Prosthetic Options in General

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Cover 4.1

Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 standard, the Cover has the function of closing and protecting the entrance of the External Hexagon Implant during the bone integration phase.

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Healing 4.1

It is used for gingival profile formation during the Healing phase for subsequent assembly of prosthetic components. Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136. Features different transmucosal heights and two diameters

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Analog 4.1

Made of brass or stainless steel, the Analog is used as a replica of the External Hexagon Implant platform in a plaster model for prosthesis confection and prosthetic planning.

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Repositional Transfer 4.1

Used to Transfer the position and direction of the Implant through closed tray impression. Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 standard is anti-rotational.

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Drag Transfer 4.1

Used to Transfer the position and direction of the Implant through impression. Used in open tray. Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 standard the Transfer is anti-rotational.

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Specific Prosthetic Options:

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Titanium 4.1 Anti-Rotation Trunnion (Titanium)

Used to rehabilitate cemented unit prosthesis on 4.1 HE implant. Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 it is customizable through wear.

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Antirrotational (Cobalt Chrome Base)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. Made of calcinable polymer based on cobalt chrome. Customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys.

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Anti-Rotational (Polymer)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of calcinable polymer and is customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys.

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UCLA 4.1 Anti-Rotational (Titanium)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of titanium according to ASTM F136 and is customizable through wear.

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Mini Abutment R 4.1 (Titanium)

Intermediate prosthetic component used to rehabilitate single or multiple prosthesis screwed onto HE 4.1 mm implant. Made of titanium alloy according to ASTM F 136 standard, it has different transmucosal heights (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm, and 5.0 mm).

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Antirrotational (Cobalt Chrome Base)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. Made of calcinable polymer based on cobalt chrome. Customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys.

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Anti-Rotational (Polymer)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of calcinable polymer and is customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys.

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UCLA 4.1 Anti-Rotational (Titanium)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of titanium according to ASTM F136 and is customizable through wear.

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UCLA 4.1 Rotatable Calcinable (Polymer)

Used to rehabilitate multiple fixed prosthesis screwed on platforms. It is made of calcinable polymer based on cobalt chrome.

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UCLA 4.1 Rotational Calcinable (Cobalt Chrome Base)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of calcinable polymer based on cobalt chrome and is customizable through waxing and casting in prosthetic alloys.

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UCLA 4.1 Rotational (Titanium)

Used to rehabilitate multiple fixed prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of titanium according to ASTM F136 and is customizable through wear.

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Mini Abutment 4.1 (Titanium)

Straight or Angled (17 ° and 30 °)  Used to rehabilitate multiple fixed prosthesis screwed in 4.1 mm external hexagon implant. It is made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 standard and has different transmucosal heights (1.0 mm, 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm, and 5.0 mm).

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Mini Abutment R 4.1 (Titanium)

Intermediate prosthetic component used to rehabilitate single or multiple prosthesis screwed onto HE 4.1 mm implant. Made of titanium alloy according to ASTM F 136 standard, it has different transmucosal heights (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm, and 5.0 mm).

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Anti-Rotational (Polymer)

Customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys. Requires Transfer HE 4.1 and Analog.

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UCLA 4.1 Calcinable Antirrotational (Cobalt Chrome Base)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. Made of calcinable polymer based on cobalt chrome. Customizable through waxing and casting of prosthetic alloys.


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UCLA 4.1 Anti-Rotational (Titanium)

Used to rehabilitate unitary prosthesis screwed onto 4.1 HE platforms. It is made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 and is customizable through wear.

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Attachment Ball

It is used for retention and stability of removable overdenture prosthesis. Made of titanium according to ASTM F 136 standard, it features prosthetic O’Ring platform. Available in different transmucosal heights (1.0mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm)

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Used in the removable prosthesis, it has a titanium cocoon made according to ASTM F 136 and an O’Ring * ring inside with nitrile rubber material. *O’Ring is sold separately for replacement.