Speed surface
Speed Surface processing produces a high degree of purity and sufficient roughness for good osseointegration.
The implant surface is the ideal osseointegration formula. It is scientifically proven that the design and characteristics of the surface influence the process of osseointegration, healing and stability of adjacent tissues.
Kopp Implants are produced in grade IV titanium, a biocompatible, resistant and durable material. Years of study and research led Dr. Gino Kopp together with a renowned team of professional chemists to develop the Speed surface. With it, a result of the best performance of the surface of the implants was achieved, in which the osseointegration in different bone types is optimized.
The surface of Kopp Implants is obtained through a blasting process with microparticles and double acid etching. The process creates differentiation of the surface area with an increase in the three-dimensional (3D) area, allowing the formation of micropores for absorption of proteins, plasma and blood immediately after implant placement.
The microstructural properties of the implant surface, created by the sandblasting and etching process, strongly influence the dynamic wettability of the implant surfaces.
Among the various existing techniques, we produced a surface with a degree of roughness close to 1.5μm for a better response of the bone tissue, as a result of the better clinical response.
Scanning Electron Microscopy images of the SPEED surface.

Implant System
Kopp manufactures implant systems since 2003, being considered the pioneer company in the manufacture of Cone Morse in Brazil. We always seek to bring quality to our implants, thus ensuring the best product for our customers and their patients.

Cone Morse Screw Slim 3.0
The Cone Morse Screw Slim 3.0 implant was developed to be used in the lower incisors or in small spaces. Enjoy the benefits of the smaller diameter Cone Morse Screw system. It has high precision, mechanical resistance and simplicity.

Frictional Cone Morse FII
The FII Frictional Cone Morse line has a 1.5 ° internal connection with frictional retention and bacterial sealing. Its Switching Platform associated with the external design presents high flexibility of use in different clinical situations. Suitable for all regions and types of prosthetic rehabilitation.

Frictional Cone Morse FI
The FI Frictional Cone Morse Line has a 1.5 ° internal connection with frictional retention and bacterial sealing. Its Switching Platform combined with external design offers high flexibility for use in different clinical situations. Only suitable for lower incisors and small spaces for prosthetic rehabilitation.

Internal Hexagon
The HIN Hexagon Line has a 2.45mm Hexagonal Internal platform. Its external design was developed to be used in different clinical situations in both the maxilla and mandible. It has high penetration power and initial stability.

External Hexagon
The HEXA External Hexagon Line has an external platform 4.1. Its slightly tapered external trapezoidal double screw design features high cutting power and initial stability and is suitable for various clinical situations in different bone qualities.

Cone Morse Screw Platinum
The Cone Morse Screw Platinum Line has an 11.5º tapered internal connection and switching platform. Its external design features double conicity with double trapezoidal thread for faster installation. Its external design associated with the active tip facilitates the insertion in different bone qualities in the maxilla and mandible.

Cone Morse Screw Standard
The Cone Morse Screw Standard Line has an 11.5º tapered internal connection and switching platform. Its external design features double taper with double triangular thread for easy installation.